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A collective of doctors in the Netherlands have called public attention towards the medical humanitarian disaster unfolding in Gaza. As part of this, they have organized a nationwide Medical Relief Initiative from March 2024, which aims to mobilise both society and the political spheres to support the enabling of access to medical care in Gaza. Due to the urgent situation, this relief initiative is being expanded. At this point, nearly a quarter of a million euros has been donated. The initiative is making a nationwide appeal to continue placing this need for medical assistance in the spotlight. Consequently, they reiterate the call for donations to emergency medical aid organizations operating in the conflict zone, such as Doctors of the World, Médecins Sans Frontières, the Red Cross and War Child.

Currently, apart from the national relief effort, we are also setting up a medical corridor. Our priority is to collect medical supplies and recruit qualified volunteers. For more information, see the section on medical corridor.

After several months of war, Gaza residents currently lack all basic necessities: access to medical care, clean drinking water, food, fuel and electricity. Infrastructure, especially for the health system and food and drinking water supplies, has collapsed. Most hospitals are no longer functional. Due to the huge number of injured and over 1.9 million displaced people, and the very limited access of relief items, aid workers are facing a severe shortage of medicine and medical equipment. At the same time, due to the lack of sanitation and drinking water facilities, infections are taking hold and many more people are likely to die in the coming months.

According to international conventions, People in Gaza have the right to access safe medical care like everyone else in the world, even during a war. From birth care to terminal care, including also trauma care, chronic care, and psychological care.

Therefore, during this national relief initiative, doctors in the Netherlands are calling for medical care to be kept accessible and facilitated for the people of Gaza in the broadest sense of the word, for now and especially also during ceasefire.


Purpose of the relief initiative

  • Preventive care to the displaced to prevent outbreak of infectious diseases.
  • Availability of medicines and medical supplies for injured and sick people...
  • Assistance for reconstruction of medical care structure at permanent stock.


For donations to emergency medical aid organisations:

War ChildArtsen Zonder GrenzenDokters van de WereldRode Kruis
This nationwide relief action is a joint initiative of doctors and medical professional organisations in the Netherlands. Proceeds from this action will benefit emergency medical aid organisations operating in the conflict area: Doctors of the World, Doctors Without Borders, Red Cross and War Child. Donations will fully benefit these organisations. 

This nationwide relief action is supported by the following medical organisations:

  • NIV (Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging)
  • NVK (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kindergeneeskunde)
  • NVvP (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie)
  • NVVH (Nederlandse Vereniging van Heelkunde)
  • NOV (Nederlandse Orthopaedische Vereniging)
  • LHV (Landelijke Huisartsenvereniging)
  • NVOG (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Obstetrie Gynaecologie)
  • NVALT (Nederlandse Vereniging van Artsen voor Longziekten en Tuberculose)
  • NVPC (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Plastische Chirurgie)
  • VSG (Vereniging van Sportgeneeskunde)
  • NVRO (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Radiotherapie en Oncologie)
  • Voorzitter van NVSHA (Nederlandse Vereniging van Spoedeisende Hulp Artsen)
  • AMAN Artsen (Associatie Marokkaanse Artsen Nederland)
  • KA+MG (de Koepel Artsen Maatschappij + Gezondheid)
  • NVIB (Nederlandse Vereniging van Artsen Infectieziektenbestrijding)
  • De Geneeskundestudent
  • IFMSA Nederland
  • AJN (Artsen Jeugdgezondheidszorg Nederland)
  • Artsen voor Gaza
  • VPHuisartsen (Vereniging Praktijkhoudende Huisartsen)
  • VNVA (Vereniging van Nederlandse Vrouwelijke Artsen)
  • VVAA
  • NVMP Artsen voor Vrede
  • VvV (Verpleegkundigen voor Vrede)
  • NVMKA (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Mondziekten, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie)
  • KNGF (Koninklijk Nederlandse Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie)